, 2017 and beyond!
A note from Tony, after the GCUC Canada conference: Amy and I just got back from a coworking conference in Montreal, where I had the privilege of meeting some amazing leaders from around the region and the world. (See video of my talk here!) As I settle back in here in Boulder, I find myself reminded … Continue reading, 2017 and beyond!

Meet the new!
Back in 2010, Alex Hillman was approached by the people who owned about a buyer who had made an offer on the domain that they couldn’t refuse. They figured they’d rather the domain be put in the hands of people who cared about the movement, so long as they could match the offer price. … Continue reading Meet the new!
We’re partnering with the European Coworking Assembly!
We’re excited to announce an official partnership with the European Coworking Assembly, an organization founded and run by some of the most established visionaries and champions of the coworking movement, including Ramon Suarez of Betacowork and author of The Coworking Handbook, Jean-Yves Hurwart and Anis Bedda of the Coworking Europe conference, Manuel Zea Barral of WorkingSpace, … Continue reading We’re partnering with the European Coworking Assembly!

Who wants to celebrate coworking with us?
Written by Tony Bacigalupo. I just returned from the Coworking Europe conference in Milan, where I had the good fortune of meeting people from over a dozen different countries who are passionate about coworking and the good it can do for the people in their regions. It was, as always, an inspiration to be around so … Continue reading Who wants to celebrate coworking with us?

Help us end indie isolation in your city.
No one is an island. If you start working for yourself without finding or forming a community of people to help you, you’re exposed to struggle. You can’t get your questions answered, you don’t have any external perspectives to help you see what you can’t see yourself, but, perhaps most importantly, you just don’t have … Continue reading Help us end indie isolation in your city.

Join us for a Coworking Wiki Spruce-up Session!
If you’ve ever visited the Coworking Wiki before, you probably know two things: It’s a tremendous resource, offering unparalleled access to information about coworking happening everywhere. It’s messy as hell. We’re going to start working to address that. Our plan is as follows: Develop Editorial Guidelines Develop easy-to-copy templates Rally people to help update the wiki pages … Continue reading Join us for a Coworking Wiki Spruce-up Session!

What tools have changed your life in managing your coworking space?
Reporting live from the GCUC Canada 2015 unconference day! The below are quoted, but in many cases are paraphrased. If I misquoted you, let me know! What tools are your favorites? Google Groups: Tried and true! Groupbuzz: Like Google Groups but better! (Sam Abrams, Indy Hall) Slack: (Sam Abrams) Zapier: Connects things like signup forms and Google Calendar “That’s … Continue reading What tools have changed your life in managing your coworking space?
How do I attract members? Notes from the marketing unconference session at GCUC Canada
Reporting live from the GCUC Canada 2015 unconference day! The below are quoted, but in many cases are paraphrased. If I misquoted you, let me know! “We run a monthly First Friday open house. The conversion rate is not so great, but it’s something we can point people to when they want to come see the … Continue reading How do I attract members? Notes from the marketing unconference session at GCUC Canada
Where do you want this movement to go? Help us build the organization coworking needs.
Hi there! Tony here. I’ve recently joined Open Coworking with the intention of helping it become an organization that can hire people to better maintain and improve publicly available resources and actively advocate for the coworking movement in ways no one else can. It’s a big task, with a lot of possible directions to go. To start, … Continue reading Where do you want this movement to go? Help us build the organization coworking needs.